Giant panda

The animal that I chose is the giant panda .  They look like a  big fluffy black and white bear and are  cousins of the bear family.   Most giant pandas are about 5.8 feet tall with thick and heavy bones  . Giant  pandas live in southwest China in forests high in the mountains and they climb trees and do somersaults.

They eat bamboo, bugs and fruit .  Sometimes they eat bamboo for 12 hours a day .  Their strong and sharp teeth are very good for chewing the bamboo and also makes them dangerous.

The baby Giant panda is called a cub. They weigh  about 3 ounces when they are born.  The cubs have no fur and their eyes do not open until they are 50 to 60 days old. After ten weeks they start to crawl and by 21 weeks they can walk. A cub no longer needs its mum for everything  at 1 and a half to 2 years old and is fully grown at 4 to 6 years old.  They can live in the wild for 15 to 20 years.


  1. I have learned so many new things about pandas Great work Dylan.


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